Defense Research Programme FORTE

arma et scientia ex officio

BMF and FFG Logos


The Defense Research Programme FORTE is the first of its kind in Austria. It closes the thematic gap in national research funding programs in the area of security policy and complements the existing Security Research Programme KIRAS, which explicitly excludes genuine arms and defense research. FORTE effectively contributes to the protection of citizens and state and therefore promotes the compliance of an indispensable constitutional duty.


There is a close coordination concerning the content of the (funding-)activities between Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) and BMLV. Hence, the BMLV decides on the thematic funding priorities.

Saftey Pin

Together, the Defense Research Programme FORTE and the civil Security Research Programme KIRAS form the „Safety Pin“, which concentrates all Austrian security policy research funding for efficiency-maximization and costs-minimization.

Attention please for the updated FORTE citation and publishing rules!

All project consortia are obliged to use the logos of BMF, FFG and FORTE as well as the phrase „The project „[…]“ is funded / financed within the Austrian defence research programm FORTE of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance and managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency.“ clearly visible at the beginning of every presentation or publication of their project(s). Your accordance represents an important contribution to the future of Austrian defence research. Thank you very much! 

Funded Projects

The programme responsibility for the Austrian Defense Research Funding Programme FORTE lies with the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF). The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) under the authority of the BMF carries out the programme management, particularly on the project level. 

Federal Ministry of Finance
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)