Defense Research Programme FORTE

arma et scientia ex officio


Attention please for the updated FORTE citation and publishing rules!

All project consortia are obliged to use the logos of BMF, FFG and FORTE as well as the phrase „The project „[…]“ is funded / financed within the Austrian defence research programm FORTE of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance and managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency.“ clearly visible at the beginning of every presentation or publication of their project(s). Your accordance represents an important contribution to the future of Austrian defence research. Thank you very much! 

Current Calls

For further information, please visit the page, where the calls are published

Completed Calls

The last call included Cooperative Research and Innovation Projects as well as R&E-Support Actions.

More information about completed calls can be received from the FFG / FORTE programme management. 

FFG eNewsletter

Please register for the personalized e-newsletter provided by the FFG

That way you will not miss any important information about FFG-funding in the future.

Federal Ministry of Finance
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)